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Custom Scripting

Customized scripts can set your website apart from the rest of the pack. Scripts can bring interactivity to your visitors' fingertips and make your site more appealing. They can automate simple tasks, or keep your website fresh by automatically generating content on the fly. Reality Squared Services' scripting services can raise your website to a new level.

Web Forms

Web based forms can serve your website in a number of ways. Contact forms allow your visitors to quickly send you an email message without having to leave your website or even open up their email application. Surveys and other types of forms can provide valuable feedback from your visitors and allow you to improve your site.

Another advantage of using web based contact forms is avoiding spam. Most people don't think about it, but every second of the day there are 'bots' combing websites on the Internet for any email addresses they can find. These addresses are sold to unscrupulous companies which then send out spam email messages to the addresses that have been collected. Contact forms allow you to receive email from your visitors without having to reveal your email address, thus protecting you from address gathering spam bots.

Reality Squared Services can create web forms of any level of complexity; from a simple contact form, to an intricate user feedback or survey form.

Customized Error Messages

Have you ever been to a website where you are browsing around, following links, and suddenly a page is not found? Or have you ever followed a link to a site only to find that the link is broken? Most of the time, what appears is a stark error message that offers no real help. Using CGI scripting, those error messages can be replaced with pages that match the layout of your site perfectly, so your visitors will see no difference between an error message and any other page on your web site.

Additionally, our unique code is capable of determining if the person receiving the error message followed a link from your web site, from someone else's website, or typed it in manually. This allows you to customize the message they see to suit their specific needs, and help them find what it is that they are looking for. The scripts will also email you when errors occur, so they can be fixed more quickly, and they can even allow your visitor to enter their email address so you can let them know when an error has been fixed.

By creating error messages that personally address your visitors' needs, your site takes on a more professional appearance, and shows that you truly care about how people view your web site.

Seamless Integration

Scripting allows you a level of fluidity to your web site that was never possible before. You can create menus that change on the fly, based on the page the visitor is currently viewing. You can display image files easily without having to create individual pages for each one. Simply put, scripts can allow every single part of your website to interact so that it all forms a singular presentation to your visitors.

Make Your Site Interactive

Scripts can add exciting new features to your website. Your visitors can quickly and easily recommend your site to friends by entering an email address and clicking a button. You can allow your visitors to vote on your content, or you can set up guestbooks and forums where your visitors can leave feedback and interact with each other. By drawing your visitors into your web site on a personal level, you give them a reason to come back.

For a more in-depth experience, we can even create an entire 'members only' area for your site where registered users can benefit from added features and more personalized content.

We can also create a fully customizable mailing list script that allows your visitors to decide precisely what they want to be emailed about.

With Reality Squared Services doing your scripting, the only limit is your imagination.

JavaScript Enhancements

With the proper use of JavaScript, you can add a new dimension to your web site. Information can be quickly displayed in windows that pop up for quick reference. Images can be changed when your mouse moves over any part of the page you choose, which can create some interesting effects. JavaScript can also be used to 'break out' of frames when someone using frames links to your site incorrectly. In addition, all of the sites we design are fully backwards compatible, so even though they can't display the intended effect, they will continue to work -- even in browsers which do not support JavaScript.